(WW -08 SW-08 Emmabourne Moonshadow x Eternity´s Qarismah)
Female born: Oct 10, 2008. Retired from breeding.
Owned by Lars Andersson.
Health: HIPS/ELBOWS: HD-A, ED 0/0.
Complete Scissor Bite and seizure free.
Shows: BOB junior and BIS junior, BOB and BEST IN SHOW at Specialty for Myriam Vermeire & Dirk Spruyt.
BOB youngdog & BIS youngdog, BOB & BEST IN SHOW at swedish specialty 2010-05-13 for Keith Baldwin.
3 rd best female and BOB & BIS younddog at Major Swedish Specialty 2010. Judges Amanda McLaren and Hana Pisarčíková.BOB Workingdog and BIS workingdog at the IVÖ specialty 2011. CAC!BOB with CAC, BIS workingdog and BIS 2 at Major Swedish Specialty 2011, judge Hana Pisarčíková!!!
Working: Yrah has 249.5 p in tracking class I and has moved up to level II. Yrah has now competed in tracking class II, is approved and are allowed to compete in workingclass at show for CAC.
Yrah has competed in lower class tracking, got 443 p and is now allowed to compete in III rd class!
Charactertest: MH description with result 2 in shooting. Yrah is a social friendly dog.